EURES - European Employment Services
Safe point in finding a job or working abroad and in recruitment of workers in EU
EURES (European Employment Services) is an information and advisory network made up of employment services in the EU Member States and in Switzerland and the EEA countries, aimed at facilitating the flow of labor between countries.
• Providing information and advice to workers who wish to find a job and settle in the Union
• Assisting employers in recruiting in and from the European Union
Free movement and employment within the EU is a fundamental right of the EU. However, European workers face day-to-day job, administrative, legal and tax obstacles that are less known to them. The trained staff of the EURES network provide them with guidance and assistance on available, real, announced and controlled posts, their employees' rights and obligations, and guidance on taxation, social security or housing. Employers are helping to advertise their vacancies at European level, to reach job-seekers and to explore their recruitment opportunities across borders.
EURES staff are in contact with jobseekers, workers, employers, recruiters, public and private employment services in EU / EEA countries, EU advisory networks and partner organizations, chambers and other labor market players.
The backbone of the network is easily accessible online services via the EURES portal (eures.europa.eu), as well as support services, guidance and assistance provided by consultants and tailored to customer needs.
The EURES network in Hungary
The Hungarian EURES network since its accession to the EU in 2004, Hungary has been responsible for EURES tasks at national level and celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2019. In the Hungarian network, the official EURES member is the National Employment Service (NFSZ). The EURES advisory network with 32 people is made up of skilled and trained staff in EU labor mobility, working in county and metropolitan government offices, and is complemented by a EURES assistant network of 150 at national level in the employment departments of district offices.
EURES services for jobseekers and workers
- information and guidance about working abroad and how to do it in safety
- tailor-made guidance about the labour market and living- and working condition in the EU/EEA countries
- information and guidance about jobs, unfilled vacancies in the EU/EEA countries
EURES services for employers
- support in publishing and sharing of job vacancies
- support in searching and finding the right candidates
Trained EURES staff
There are currently almost 1,000 consultants working in the EURES network across Europe who are in daily contact with jobseekers and employers. In Hungary, 32 EURES advisers provide the most important information about safe working abroad, about job opportunities in the EU and the labor regulations required in the Member States. The trained professionals are available to the clients in person, by phone and by e-mail at the labor organization and at national and local job fairs and events. The work of the advisers is assisted by EURES assistants, who are available in all domestic (district) employment departments.
EURES customer service points
Our customers can contact EURES Hungary through different custom service points:
In person
Our customers can consult with EURES advisers in Hungary on personal customer service point offices in person or via phone in office hours, or even at an agreed date and time (appointment).
Our customers can send request for us to the EURES central customer service mailbox and ask questions on our social media pages (Facebook, LinkedIn).
EURES services for jobseekers and workers
General information and guidance
- General information and guidance about EURES network (network, EURES portal, EURES services)
- General information and guidance about the basics of the EU jobsearch and employment
(free movement of workers rights, requirements, conditions, rules, safety, etc.) - General information and guidance about job opportunities (access to EU job vacancies, placement, recruitment)
- General information and guidance about target countries (LMI, LWC, social security, taxation, education, administrative procedures and rules)
Tailor-made guidance and support (assistance services)
- Guidance and support to create job application and CVs
- Guidance and support to create EURES-profile and upload of job applications and CVs
- Guidance and support to create tailor-made and individual job mobility plans
- Further assistance in job search and other complementary services
(support in job search, gathering further information about specific job vacancies, help in job vacancy pre-filtering) - Matching and placement services (handling & matching of CVs)
EURES services for employers
General information and guidance
- General information and guidance about EURES-network (network, EURES portal, EURES services)
- General information and guidance about the possibilities in recruitment and employment of EU workers, specific rules, procedures and obligations (advertising, publication of job vacancies on the EURES portal, access to candidates profiles and job applications, placement and recruitment)
Tailor-made guidance and support (assistance services)
- Guidance and support on employer's request about job descriptions
- Matching and placement services (handling & matching of JVs)
The services of EURES network is free of charge for everybody, easy accessible and reliable.
The general information and advisory service is most often provided immediately in the case of a personal request during customer service, within 48 hours of a written or electronic request.
Information and counseling services tailored to the needs of the person (job seeker and employer) are carried out in consultation with the client on a number of occasions, the duration of which may vary from 1 week to 1 month, as the case may be.
Our customers can contact us in following languages: Hungarian (HU), English (EN), German (DE), French (FR).
Based on compliance with the Single Digital Gateway (SDG), the "Working in the EU - Information" file is available here
(in Hungarian - translated versions are coming soon). Client of EURES? Would you share your opinion with us?
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Update: 12/12/2020