If you want to hire workforce from Hungary
Regarding to the growing labour shortages and serious lack of workforce in Hungary, in almost every sector EURES Hungary always has to take into account the number of unfilled vacancies located in Hungary before accepting and advertising positions getting from other Member States.
The labour shortage is critical in these sectors in Hungary:
Tourism and hospitality
Industry, construction, manufacturing
Food industry and agriculture
Service sector / Sales / Customer Services
Healthcare and Social
Logistik and Transport
Before you contact EURES Hungary to advertise your job vacancy for the Hungarian job seekers, please get information about labour market situation in Europe and try the following steps:
3. Check the labour market information (shortages, hard-to-fill and bottleneck occupations).
EURES advisers inform the Hungarian jobseekers by request every time about the job opportunities in your country. We always redirect our clients to the EURES Portal, inform, prepare and motivate them on a high standard in order to be able to apply directly for foreign offers or to get relevant information for their new life in your country.
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Update: 12/12/2020